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Broadway Bound 2

Broadway Bound 2 PerformersPictured left to right (standing) Allie Woodson (NU) Katherine Bourne*(Roosevelt) Noah Landis, accompanist (NU) Delaney Feener* (De Paul) Lucy Godinez* (NU) Emily Jacob* (Roosevelt) Halle Bins (kneeling) Michael Morrow* (D…

Broadway Bound 2 Performers

Pictured left to right (standing) Allie Woodson (NU) Katherine Bourne*(Roosevelt) Noah Landis, accompanist (NU) Delaney Feener* (De Paul) Lucy Godinez* (NU) Emily Jacob* (Roosevelt) Halle Bins (kneeling) Michael Morrow* (De Paul) Alex Schneidman (NU)  Tyler Lynch* (Roosevelt) Rebecca Whitehall* (Columbia) *Scholarship Winners

Ganz Hall

Sarah Siddons Society presents...

Broadway Bound 2: A 90 minute Showcase featuring 12 outstanding performers from The Sarah Siddons Society Scholarship schools: Columbia College, The Theatre School of DePaul University, Northwestern University and the Roosevelt University Chicago College of Performing Arts.

Sunday, March 4
4:00 p.m. 
Ganz Hall, Roosevelt University
430 S. Michigan Avenue

All tickets includes pizza reception following the performance.

Northwestern Scholarship winner Lucy Godinez at the Actor of the Year Gala

Northwestern Scholarship winner Lucy Godinez at the Actor of the Year Gala

Roosevelt Scholarship winner Katherine Bourne at the Actor of the Year Gala

Roosevelt Scholarship winner Katherine Bourne at the Actor of the Year Gala